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1. Invulnerable, invulnerable, failed to target nothing - Rubicon killed my EVE fun - in Issues, Workarounds & Localization [original thread]
Oh and speaking of issues ... ... bombs take too long to land now. Interceptors shouldn't always be able to warp and always be able to just zoom out of the way of a bomb drop. Given you can't kill big things with a bomb anyway, the practical in...
- by Lady Flute - at 2013.12.10 02:29:00
2. Invulnerable, invulnerable, failed to target nothing - Rubicon killed my EVE fun - in Issues, Workarounds & Localization [original thread]
I like to fly interceptors, and stealth bombers. When my stealth bomber lost its cruise missiles, I was annoyed. When my Tristan got changed to look like something Batman would fly, I was doubtful, but honestly I love it now. But with Rubicon, ...
- by Lady Flute - at 2013.12.10 01:49:00
3. Sticky:EVE Online: Retribution 1.1 Feedback - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
Did you accidentally nerf the bandwidth on the Arbitrator? It's been forever since I had one in space (been away from the game), but it seemed to be short on bandwidth now. (*hint*). Compared to where the game was when I left it, I am delighted w...
- by Lady Flute - at 2013.02.21 19:53:00
4. Memorial for Vile_Rat - Saturday Sept 15th 2012 - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Tarn Kugisa wrote: CCP should erect a permanent in game monument, maybe in one of goonswarm's systems. That would be a cool way to be remembered. Actually I endores this completely. As for other beloved plyers who have passed on previously,...
- by Lady Flute - at 2012.09.14 02:30:00
5. Vote of no confidence in CCP Games GMs - in Assembly Hall [original thread]
Jouron wrote: It realy doesn't matter what you do or where you live in this game. We all pay the same subscription fees and gms get to us when they can. Actually remember that many people play this game wihtout paying any subscription. Some ...
- by Lady Flute - at 2012.08.26 11:10:00
6. Vote of no confidence in CCP Games GMs - in Assembly Hall [original thread]
Frying Doom wrote: As to GM's and Devs playing, personally I don't think they should go into player corps it just adds to the possibility that they may favor their corp even on a subconscious level. Actually devs and GMs should play a game a...
- by Lady Flute - at 2012.08.26 11:05:00
7. SOMERSCAM - in In-Game Events and Gatherings [original thread]
It is simple. THe only people who should play games like these are players who can buy 50% of the tickets to every blink they participate in. Essentially, betting Black on a roulette wheel. If you have enough isk, and the compluter progreamme to b...
- by Lady Flute - at 2012.08.26 00:19:00
8. Vote of no confidence in CCP Games GMs - in Assembly Hall [original thread]
MIrple wrote: If your just going to whine about the GMs are bad cause they don't exactly what you tell them then maybe this game isn't for you. Everyone's experience will vary, and it is pleasing that some have experienced good GM services. ...
- by Lady Flute - at 2012.08.23 07:16:00
9. Vote of no confidence in CCP Games GMs - in Assembly Hall [original thread]
Asuka Solo wrote: A vote of no confidence in this OP. For serious. My GM service experience has been absolutely fabulous. Well, it could be better naturally, if I could file petitions to get free isk and a few super caps in hisec stations........
- by Lady Flute - at 2012.08.22 06:11:00
10. Vote of no confidence in CCP Games GMs - in Assembly Hall [original thread]
Lykouleon wrote: The petition queue CCP's GM's use is the same as any other company. Outsourcing GM jobs just because thing take some time doesn't mean things would improve at all from the current process. Put your big-boy pants on and learn t...
- by Lady Flute - at 2012.08.22 06:02:00
11. Vote of no confidence in CCP Games GMs - in Assembly Hall [original thread]
Title says it all. I vote no confidence in the current GMs, due to horrible failures of timeliness in dealing with nullsec bugs and stuck petitions, contributing to massive ISK losses by players and cancelled subscriptions. There are commercial G...
- by Lady Flute - at 2012.08.21 12:46:00
12. No POS shield = Death for small WH corps - in Assembly Hall [original thread]
OK my 2 cents. POS are too badly bugged. They need to be fixed, or removed. No middle ground. The GMs have been failing badly to assist in a timely manner with nullsec POS issues, leading to billion ISK+ losses, and people quitting the game. Eno...
- by Lady Flute - at 2012.08.21 12:30:00
13. Sticky:EVE Online: Inferno 1.2 Feedback - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
Overall loving the mining ships, however Hulk got nerfed a bit too much for its cost. Should probably have one more lowslot, or +1 warpcore stability - as things stand, they are simply not worth the cost over the values of the other ships. They ar...
- by Lady Flute - at 2012.08.10 11:12:00
14. Sticky:EVE Online: Inferno 1.2 Issues - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
jerald Kishunuba wrote: graphics glitch in PI, launchpad is invisible, and the only visible part of the command center is the cpu and power grid use bar. This was intermittently occuring before the patch (cause unknown). Also if you have the...
- by Lady Flute - at 2012.08.09 01:13:00
15. Sticky:EVE Online: Inferno 1.2 Issues - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
Failed to install messages in POS. "The item you are attempoting to install must be either in a station or on the floor of the structure. It may not be in a container." That's nice, except it means you can't currently manufacture in a POS when y...
- by Lady Flute - at 2012.08.09 01:11:00
16. Sticky:New dev blog: Ship Balancing: Mining Barges - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
Dave stark wrote: and a mackinaw having more yield ehp and cargo isn't an issue to you? ... Yes, Mackinaws are about to be the confirmed king of the mining world, from most people's persepctive. I would have prefered to see Hulks have a touc...
- by Lady Flute - at 2012.08.05 11:37:00
17. Sticky:New dev blog: Ship Balancing: Mining Barges - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
I love the new ships, BUT ... there are a lot of newer players who have poured a lot of time into Astrogeology V and Mining Barge V - given these skills are largely going to be redundant for many newer players (who will use a covertor in a group ...
- by Lady Flute - at 2012.08.05 11:33:00
18. Gank Fit procurer now more viable than any t1 Caldari Cruiser - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Halcyon Ingenium wrote: Say hello to the new bait brick. What do you mean new? Come on, ever since the unkillable Iteron V was invented as a bait ship, people have talked about such things. And guess what ... if it looks like it's a trap, i...
- by Lady Flute - at 2012.08.05 11:12:00
19. Greifers vs CCP, Hulkageddon is winning. Time for CCP to code changes. - in Assembly Hall [original thread]
Saithe wrote: Oh look, its _this_ thread again. You know of hulkageddon, yet continue to mine in .7 and lower space. You know of hulkageddon, yet fail to watch local. You know of hulkageddon, yet fail to properly prepare your ship. You know of...
- by Lady Flute - at 2012.08.01 06:05:00
20. Sticky:New dev blog: Tech is fine l2p - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
CCP Fozzie wrote: Wocka Wocka! Remember that if you like this change you should hit the "like" button on this post. I need to know if this is the kind of work the community is looking for. ;) I love the idea, however I would also love it if...
- by Lady Flute - at 2012.07.23 06:48:00
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